1. Tables
  2. caption-side



Utilities for controlling the alignment of a caption element inside of a table.

caption-side: top;
caption-side: bottom;


Placing at top of table

Use the caption-top utility to position a caption element at the top of a table:

Table 3.1: Professional wrestlers and their signature moves.
WrestlerSignature Move(s)
"Stone Cold" Steve AustinStone Cold Stunner, Lou Thesz Press
Bret "The Hitman" HartThe Sharpshooter
Razor RamonRazor's Edge, Fallaway Slam
<table>  <caption class="caption-top">    Table 3.1: Professional wrestlers and their signature moves.  </caption>  <thead>    <tr>      <th>Wrestler</th>      <th>Signature Move(s)</th>    </tr>  </thead>  <tbody>    <tr>      <td>"Stone Cold" Steve Austin</td>      <td>Stone Cold Stunner, Lou Thesz Press</td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td>Bret "The Hitman" Hart</td>      <td>The Sharpshooter</td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td>Razor Ramon</td>      <td>Razor's Edge, Fallaway Slam</td>    </tr>  </tbody></table>

Placing at bottom of table

Use the caption-bottom utility to position a caption element at the bottom of a table:

Table 3.1: Professional wrestlers and their signature moves.
WrestlerSignature Move(s)
"Stone Cold" Steve AustinStone Cold Stunner, Lou Thesz Press
Bret "The Hitman" HartThe Sharpshooter
Razor RamonRazor's Edge, Fallaway Slam
<table>  <caption class="caption-bottom">    Table 3.1: Professional wrestlers and their signature moves.  </caption>  <thead>    <tr>      <th>Wrestler</th>      <th>Signature Move(s)</th>    </tr>  </thead>  <tbody>    <tr>      <td>"Stone Cold" Steve Austin</td>      <td>Stone Cold Stunner, Lou Thesz Press</td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td>Bret "The Hitman" Hart</td>      <td>The Sharpshooter</td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td>Razor Ramon</td>      <td>Razor's Edge, Fallaway Slam</td>    </tr>  </tbody></table>

Responsive design

Prefix a caption-side utility with a breakpoint variant like md: to only apply the utility at medium screen sizes and above:

<caption class="caption-top md:caption-bottom ...">  <!-- ... --></caption>

Learn more about using variants in the variants documentation.

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